After years of travelling and gathering priceless experience in this field, I realised that my fortune lay in my own hands, both literally and metaphorically.
In 1982 I began Massage training, which continued under the guidance of Prof. Dr. Dr. W. Zimmermann Munic Harlaching, Hospital for natural therapies. He became my mentor, recognising my abilities and supporting them.
Furthermore, I had the pleasure of gaining clinical experience in Tegernsee, Kreuth. In the meantime, I also studied, among other subjects, Macrobiotics with Michio Kushi and Steven Acuff, Shiatsu with W. Ohashi and Footreflexology Massage with H. Marquardt.
In 1986, a project to organise and establish a Therapy Centre (focusing on Health Nutrition, Tái Chi, Meditation and Manual Therapy) took me to La Palma, Canary Islands.
After a few years in 1989, I then began working freelance at the Hurricane Hotel, Tarifa in Spain. There I was fortunate enough to meet Dr. K. Briken, and was able to gather further valuable experience in his clinic in Germany.
In 1996, back in Spain, my path lead me to meet and study with J.F. Ballesteros and then Raphael van Assche the founder of Holistic Kinesiology which gave me the opportunity to integrate all the previous knowledge into one holistic approach.
This culminated with my encounter with the founder of Innerwise in Spain, 2006. I integrated easily this system into my work. Though I left the Innerwise foundation 2012 to continue my own way, listening to my heart.
Since 2009, I am living in Germany, together with my wife and our 3 children. Her artistic and physical work (dance) amplifies my horizon continously and so does the experience to live togehther with her and our 3 children. I run my own practice in Flintsbach and I am also giving consultations in Munich at Barbara Friedes center (Physioworks).